Monday, February 9th, 2004
All Over The World
…but not Toronto. Or the east coast at all, for that matter. Winnipeg? TWO shows in Saskatchewan?!? What the hell. What. The. Hell. Willy – you’re in Saskatchewan, you have to go to one of these shows for me.
Pixies tour dates:
April 14: Winnipeg, Manitoba (Burton Cummings Theatre)
April 15: Regina, Saskatchewan (Doris Knight Ballroom)
April 17: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Prairieland)
April 18: Edmonton, Alberta (Red’s)
April 19: Calgary, Alberta (MacEwan Hall)
April 21: Victoria, British Columbia (Victoria Curling Club)
April 22-23: Vancouver (Commodore Ballroom)
April 24: Spokane, Wash. (Big Easy)
April 25: Boise, Idaho (Big Easy)
April 27: Eugene, Ore. (MacDonald Theatre)
April 29: Davis, Calif. (Freeborn Hall)
May 1: Indio, Calif. (Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival)
Boooooo. From Billboard, via Burned By The Sun. Oh well, at least I’m saving some money on my concert budget.
np – Pixies / Complete B-Sides
2/9/04 1:22 pm
I’m sure this is a "more dates to be announced" situation… Worry not, I’m sure they’ll hit the Tdot!
2/9/04 1:24 pm
yeah, but not till late summer/early Fall with all the European commitments. And there’s always the chance that they’ll remember why they split up in the first place and the Pixies will be rent asunder at the corner of Portage and Main. So poetic, so sad.
Betcha they play "Winterlong" there, though.
2/9/04 2:06 pm
this cannot be an exhaustive list. there must be more to come.
2/9/04 2:08 pm
after Coachella they’re off to Europe, not back till mid July. Hopefully more dates then. Maybe we’re looking at a Molson Amphitheatre show for Toronto?
2/9/04 3:26 pm
I’m more hyped about the Mountain Goats tour this spring. The Pixies shows were good, but never great (yes, I’m an old mutha). I’d much rather see the Breeders or a FB solo show, or even Cracker with David Lovering on the skins.
2/9/04 4:52 pm
ah yes, the mountain goats tour which is also not coming anywhere near me. Booo, I say. Boo.
2/9/04 10:29 pm
…..maybe if you said "Baaaaa"
you know, kind of in a come hither sort of way.
2/10/04 9:13 am
If you’re the Pixies, and you’re coming out of retirement for so many years, after hating each other, etc etc etc, you start your tour off in smaller markets. You’re not gonna debut at the Fillmore in San Francisco….
Same approach Zwan had when Corgan formed that band. Play random ass spots.
2/10/04 9:17 am
How about them playing my backyard? That’s pretty random ass. I’ll even provide Kool-Aid.
2/10/04 9:20 am
Speaking of mountain goats, some bastard hacked the site http://…/
2/11/04 6:08 am
What the fuck, the Pixies are playing here (Victoria)?! at the curling club no less. Only Big Naked, Swollen Members, Matthew Good and GOB have the star power to fill that venue, can the Pixies fill those shoes?! we shall see…
2/16/04 9:48 pm
How can u people not be sooo pumped for this. Go pixies i am so ready for this. Edmonton will show them love if you people cant. GO PIXIES!!!!!
2/16/04 11:33 pm
I will be pumped when they play in the same time zone as me. For the moment though, I will simply savour my sour grapes.
Mmm, sour.